Les institutions européennes ont décidé d'ajouter de nouvelles ressources propres pour rembourser le plan Next Generation EU. Ce plan, a été créé pendant la crise du COVID-19, pour permettre la relance de l'économie européenne et la reconstruction d'une Europe plus verte, plus numérique et plus résiliente.
- Décembre 2021
Among the current European Commission’s goals, one is to reduce net greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55 percent by 2050, becoming the first climate neutral continent. This commitment has also been reinforced at the international level, with the EU revision of the “nationally determined contribution” to the Paris Agreement in December 2020.
- October 2021
The Unified Patent Court will soon become operative, and its arrival may arguably present stakeholders with one of the most significant patent reforms in the European Union. This development is also coupled with the introduction of a Unitary Patent Right, making this patent package all the more substantial.
Discover our commercial offer to learn how Lighthouse Europe can help your business prepare for the French Presidency of the Council of the EU and why you should act now to take advantage of this exceptional opportunity to influence one of the most powerful countries in the EU.
- September 2021
The notification procedure of national technical regulations to the European Commission might be one of the most understated pieces of legislation at both domestic and European levels. Even if this process is not well known by most, it is gaining more and more relevance in some sectors, such as digital issues. How does it work and why is it important?
On 26 September 2021, German citizens will elect the members and political parties to be represented in the German Federal Assembly (Bundestag), the German Parliament’s lower chamber. Members of the Bundestag are elected for a four-year term and their most important tasks are to elect the Federal Chancellor, legislate and to control the government.
Le 19 août 2021, la Commission européenne a versé 5,1 milliards d'euros de préfinancement à la France au titre du plan national pour la reprise et la résilience (PNRR). Le PNRR vise à atteindre trois objectifs prioritaires que sont le verdissement de l’économie, la compétitivité de l’appareil productif, et le renforcement de la cohésion sociale et territoriale.
- Septembre 2021
The European Commission created the sustainable finance legislative package to make companies accountable for their investments and orient these towards more environmentally and sustainable economic activities. The objective of sustainable finance is encompassed within the European Green Deal.
- July 2021
Design rights protecting the appearance of a product are covered in the European Union as a distinct form of intellectual property. The current framework consists of a Directive (98/71/EC), harmonising registration of designs across the EU, and a Regulation (6/2002), which creates a unitary design right. Both of these are up for review in 2021 and could have important ramifications for business and the future of design protection in the EU.
The ambition of a stronger Europe in the world lies at the heart of the European Commission’ six priorities for the European Union from 2019 to 2024. The objective of the EU is to play a greater, more united and more proactive role within the international sphere to defend the principle of ruled-based multilateralism.
- June 2021
What will Europe’s economy look like in ten years? On 9 March 2021, the European Commission Europe’s Digital Decade: digital targets for 2030 presented its vision for Europe’s digital transformation for the coming decade.
- April 2021
Dans le but de préparer « l’objectif 55 », de nouvelles normes européennes seront proposées par la Commission et les normes préexistantes seront réexaminées et mises à jour au cours de l'année 2021.
- Février 2021